Governance Structure

Organisational structure of SOLARNET H2020

General Assembly

The SOLARNET Board – General Assembly – is the top-level ultimate decision-making and governing body of the Consortium.

The General Assembly is composed out of one institutional representative from each beneficiary.

It shall meet:

  • at least once a year
  • any time upon written request of the Executive Committee or 1/3 of the Members of the Board


  • Receive progress reports (technical & financial) from the Executive Board, the Project Office, the JRAs & NAs Chairs and the Forum for Access and Service (FAS)
  • Review the progress report, make strategic decisions on project execution and budget allocation.
  • Approve as necessary all technical and financial reports and plans to the EC
  • Make recommendations as appropriate to the Executive Board
  • Appoint the JRAs & NAs Chairs
  • Appoint sub-committees as necessary

The history of all board meetings and presentations of the general meeting can be found by clicking on the button.

History of all board meetings and presentations

The Project Management TeamThe Project Office

  • Rolf Schlichenmaier, Coordinator
  • Markus Roth, Project Scientist (Chair of WP1)
  • Tirtha Som, Project Manager
  • Bettina Schäfer, Financial Signatory
To the Project Office
Meet the people


  • Administrative & technical support necessary for the effective coordination of the project
  • Financial management – Budget review
  • Travel organization – related to Mobility program, Trans-national Access Programme 
  • Make recommendations to the General Assembly & Executive Board
  • Appropriate allocation & management of the resources
  • Collect information from the beneficiaries & preparation and submission of necessary periodic reports, deliverables and other information to the EC.

Executive Board

The Executive Committee is responsible for the proper execution of the Project and for the implementation of the strategic decisions taken by the General Assembly Broad.

  • Coordinator, Project Scientist, Project Manager and all WP leaders
  • Meeting are held at least quarterly (mainly via videoconference)

Work Packages & Work Package Leaders